السلام عليكم !
أقدم لكم برنامج Microworld Antivirus Toolkit Utility 6.6.7
فهو يعمل على فحص الجهاز من الفيروسات حتى من ملفات التجسس وهو يحمي الجهاز من عدة مخاطر تحيط من الجهاز..
إليكم مواصفات هذا البرنامج باللغة الإنجليزية :
Microworld Antivirus Toolkit Utility scans your computer completely and provides reports of any viruses that it finds. Checks for all illegal dialers that are present on your computer and informs you of the same. Informs you of any background illegal sniffers or tools like spywares, adwares, keyloggers etc. running in the memory of your computer. You can add this utility to the startup list of programs on your computer so that it scans your computer every time you start using it. When you download this utility you will get it with the latest updated list of viruses so that it scans your computer for all known viruses
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